Soil Stabiliser Geocell

Soil Stabiliser Geocell

The most common use for geocells is to strengthen roads and walkways. They do this by confining and stabilizing the soil in the honeycomb-like cells.

Physical modeling tests were conducted to compare the stability of slopes with and without geocell reinforcement. The results showed that slopes with a small geocell reinforced inclination had the best stability.


Unstable soil is prone to erosion that can result in land slides or mudslides, and this can be dangerous for people and animals. Fortunately, there are several methods of soil stabilisation that can prevent this from happening. Some of these include terraces, silt fencing, rip rap, straw and geotextile fabrics. However, the most effective and cost-efficient method is the use of geocells.

Known as Cellular Confinement Systems, the 3D honeycomb-like structures made of HDPE are filled with on-site granular materials that restrict movement and give them unparalleled stability and stiffness. Because they are easy to install, they help reduce project costs by cutting down on labor and machinery expenses. In addition, they are environmentally friendly since they make use of on-site materials such as dirt and gravel.

Another benefit of geocells is that they allow for vegetation growth and are easy to maintain, which helps further stabilize the slope. To test the performance of a geocell-reinforced slope, researchers used physical models with different inclinations and rainfall intensities. They found that a small geocell-reinforced slope with a low inclination and a moderate rainfall intensity performed the best in terms of stability. The results of the study indicate that a soil treatment with a combination of geocells and vegetation is a highly effective method for shallow slope failure control.

Erosion Control

Erosion is a problem that occurs in many areas and can cause damage to buildings, roads, and other infrastructure. If left unchecked, erosion can even destroy natural resources and harm the environment. Thankfully, geocells can help solve these issues and create more environmentally friendly places that people can enjoy.

Whether used in green construction projects or for road construction, geocells can provide excellent soil stabilization. They can be filled with plants, gravel, concrete, or other materials to create a structure that is able to hold Soil Stabiliser Geocell up against the elements. They also prevent slope failure by preventing lateral strains and helping to keep the soil from becoming compacted.

Another benefit of geocells is that they can be installed quickly and easily. This makes them a great option for road construction and other infrastructure development. They can also be used in environmental protection and land reclamation projects to control erosion and promote vegetation growth.

Geocells are also made to be more sustainable than other construction materials. They can be filled with locally-sourced materials such as dirt and gravel to reduce the need for extensive quarrying. This also helps reduce their carbon footprint and save money on transport costs. Additionally, they are less likely to suffer from stress cracking caused by the constant weight of heavy vehicles on the road surface.


A geocell is a three-dimensional, flexible honeycomb-like structure made from polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene. These unique materials provide stability and reinforcement for soils, roads, slopes, channel protection and retaining walls. Unlike traditional geosynthetic materials such as geogrid, geocells are lightweight and strong enough to withstand impact. They also allow for water to pass through the structure, improving stability and reducing erosion.

When used for unpaved road construction, cellular confinement systems stabilize the material of the subgrade, and act like a semi-rigid slab distributing load stress laterally – minimizing subgrade contact pressures and reducing deformations and settlement. This makes it possible to use less quality base material in temporal or permanent road construction, allowing for lower construction costs and longer lifespan.

The permeability of the 3D cell walls allows for a variety of infill materials to be used, including recycled or local aggregates. This reduces the amount of expensive raw materials that must be imported for your project. It also allows for a more cost-effective alternative to concrete-filled geocells in channels exposed to severe hydraulic stresses.

The GEOWEB system has been proven Biaxial PP Plastic Geogrid through over 40 years of real-world performance to be the best solution for the most challenging soil stabilization applications. It is manufactured in the USA using high-density virgin polyethylene (HDPE) for the perfect balance of strength and flexibility.

Environmentally Friendly

Soil Stabiliser Geocell is a great choice for green infrastructure projects that require an eco-friendly, durable solution. It can be used for roadways, pedestrian walkways, or other areas that may need to support heavy machinery or vehicles. Unlike concrete, it can withstand the weight of traffic and will not crumble under stress. It also provides lateral drainage and is long-lasting.

The 3D cellular confinement system increases layer strength, reduces constructed profile depth and cost, protects the soil from compaction and rutting, and distributes loads laterally. This reduces vertical differential settlement into soft subgrades, improves shear strength, and enhances load-bearing capacity while reducing the amount of aggregate material required to extend the service life of roads.

Compared to the bare slope, both small and large geocell-reinforced slopes showed less soil erosion. The slope displacement increased slightly during the test period, but stabilized after the rainfall ceased. The results indicated that the smaller geocells were more effective than larger ones in controlling the slope displacement.

This result is significant because road construction and other infrastructure developments can have a negative impact on the environment. In order to avoid environmental damage, geocells are used to stabilize and reinforce the soil. They do not require the use of costly filling materials, and they can be easily installed with low-powered machinery. They can also be fabricated with local materials and are highly adaptable, making them an environmentally friendly solution.