Q345 Carbon Steel Angle Steel

Q345 Carbon Steel Angle Steel

Q345 carbon steel angle steel is an excellent choice for structural applications that require high-load durability. It can be fabricated into various shapes and is a common choice for low-pressure vessels, vehicles, cranes, mechanical parts, metal structures, bridges, petroleum storage tanks, and general welded transport machinery.

It has good comprehensive mechanical properties and low temperature performance. It has good plasticity and weldability.

Mechanical Properties

Q345 carbon steel angle steel is a type of low-alloy steel that has excellent mechanical properties. It is used in a variety of applications, including low pressure vessels, oil tanks, vehicles, cranes, mining machinery, power stations, bridges, and general metal structural parts. This grade of steel also has superior low temperature performance and good plasticity.

The yield strength of Q345 steel is around 345 megapascals. This is the amount of force that the material can take before it begins to deform permanently. Its tensile strength is rated at 470 to 660 megapascals, which means that it can handle heavy-duty stress and use without failing.

In order to improve the mechanical properties of this grade of steel, it is often subjected to USSR treatment, which is a form of hot rolling. This process creates a GNS surface layer that is composed of subgrains and dislocation cells, which helps to enhance the strength of the steel. The USSR technique also helps to improve the ductility of this grade of steel, which is important for applications in high-pressure and low-temperature environments.

When working with this grade of steel, it is important to request a material test report (MTR) before using it in your project. This will provide you with detailed information about the chemical composition and mechanical properties of the steel, ensuring that it meets all applicable industry standards and regulations. You should also consider hiring a third-party inspector to ensure that the steel you are receiving is of the highest quality.

Chemical Composition

Q345 is a low-alloy steel with good weldability, cold and hot workability. It also has good corrosion resistance, which makes it suitable for use in a variety of applications. It is often used in bridges, petroleum storage tanks, industrial furnaces, and lifting transport machinery.

The chemical composition of this grade of steel consists of carbon and silicon, as well as a number of impurities. It has a tensile strength of up to 470-630 MPa and Q345 carbon steel angle steel is suitable for general manufacturing purposes. This type of steel is usually used for sheet metal and light structural elements. However, it can also be used in a wide range of applications where ductility and resistance to stress are not critical requirements.

In addition to its excellent welding properties, Q345 carbon steel Industrial carbon steel square bars angle steel also has good low-temperature performance and plasticity. It can be used in a variety of structures in cold regions below -40 degrees Celsius.

When selecting a supplier for Q345 steel, you should make sure they offer the product in the dimensions and shape that are required for your project. In addition, they should be able to provide delivery options and lead times that meet your needs. This way, you can avoid delays or extra costs that may result from using a different material. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the manufacturer uses a galvanizing process to increase the corrosion resistance of their products.

Welding Properties

Q345 steel is used in a variety of applications, including bridges, vehicles, ships, and buildings. It is characterized by good comprehensive mechanical properties, low temperature performance, and excellent plasticity. It is also easy to weld and machinate.

When choosing a supplier of Q345 steel, look for one with an established track record and a high level of customer service. They should be able to answer any questions you might have and provide detailed information about the material’s properties. They should also be able to ship your order on time and within budget.

The tensile strength of a metal is its ability to resist bending forces, and it is measured in units called mega Pascals (MPa). One MPa is equivalent to one Newton (the force needed to accelerate a kilogram object at a rate of one meter per second) per square meter. The tensile strength of Q345 steel is rated at 470 to 630 mega Pascals.


Q345 is a low alloy structural steel with good comprehensive mechanical properties, low temperature performance and plasticity. It is widely used in low pressure vessel, oil tank, vehicles, cranes, mining machinery, power stations, bridges and other structures bearing dynamic load. It is also used for general metal parts, mechanical structure and building structures. Q345 is available in hot rolled or normalizing state. It is suitable for use in cold regions below -40°C.

The yield strength of a material is the amount of stress that the material can withstand before it begins to deform plastically, or permanently. The higher the yield strength, the stronger the material is. The yield strength of Q345B is 345 MPa.

The ductility of steel is determined by its ability to resist fracture or failure. It is important to note that the ductility of steel increases with increasing tempering temperature. The tensile elongation of Q345B is 22-26 percent, which is fairly high for this type of steel. It is recommended to use a high quality welding electrode and to follow strict process measures during the welding of this steel. It is also recommended to use manual arc welding for this grade of steel. This ensures that the weldment will be strong and durable. Regular inspections should be conducted to identify any signs of corrosion or damage, and the appropriate repairs made immediately to prevent further deterioration.