High frequency RFID tags are used for track-and-trace applications. They communicate with an RFID reader using inductive coupling.

HF waves can pass through most materials except for water and dense metals, and are used in a variety of tracking applications. They are also more reliable and less expensive to produce than LF.

Low Cost

High-frequency (HF) RFID Tags are often a more affordable option than ultra-high-frequency (UHF) tags. The low cost of HF tags makes them more suitable for a wide variety of applications, including inventory tracking and locating assets.

HF tags typically run at 125 to 134 kilohertz and are less susceptible to damage than UHF tags. HF tags also offer a higher level of security, making them more ideal for retail and other business environments where safety is important.

In the past, HF tags were only available in limited quantities, but with increasing demand and production, they are becoming more widely available. Depending on the type and volume of the tags, they can be as cheap as a few cents.

Passive HF tags use magnetic fields to generate a current in their antenna, which transmits signals to the reader. They are primarily used in retail and other applications that require low-power and minimal signal transmission.

A passive HF tag may cost as little as 7 cents to 15 U.S. cents, but it can be more expensive if it includes extra features, like a long battery life or sensors, or if it is embedded in a thermal transfer label.

The low cost of HF RFID Tag HF RFID Tags makes them ideal for applications where speed and accuracy are key. HF tags can be read quickly, even when moving, and can communicate with a wide range of readers.

These benefits are perfect for tracking medical supplies and equipment. Unlike barcodes, which can only be read in a specific location and at a certain speed, RFID can be read from a distance, at the same speed, and at a range of up to several meters.

When used in conjunction with smart sensors and GPS technology, HF RFID can help manufacturers meet the growing demands for a data-driven, Internet of Things (IoT) system. This data can include temperature, movement and location, allowing for real-time visibility across an operation.

HF RFID tags are a great choice for businesses looking to improve the efficiency of their supply chains. Because they are less expensive than UHF tags, businesses can purchase a large number of them and deploy them on a wide range of items for increased efficiency and accuracy.

High Speed

RFID has become a widely used technology in various industries including retail, logistics, security, banking, transportation and sports and leisure. Anti-theft tags for clothing and high-value products, stock control, inventory tracking, ad-hoc identification and verification of multiple items, personal ID devices, passports and tickets are all examples of RFID usage.

HF (High Frequency) RFID Tags are the most common type of tag. These tags use inductive coupling to obtain power from the reader and communicate with it. They are also known as passive tags, which means they do not require a battery or transmitter. They have a short read range and transfer small amounts of data.

UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID Tags are more commonly used because they transmit over a longer distance than HF and can be read at much higher speeds. However, they can also be susceptible to interference.

In order to avoid stray readings and null zones, you should choose an antenna that is compatible with the surrounding environment. For example, if metal or water is present, it could cause multipath effects that interfere with the signal. In these cases, you may want to consider using a directional antenna that has been specially designed for such environments.

A polarized antenna is best for this application because it allows for more focused radiation. You should also consider the amount of antennas needed and the location of the tag when choosing the right one.

For example, if you know the exact location of the tag, a linearly polarized antenna may work better than a circularly polarized antenna. Regardless of the choice, always test the system thoroughly before adding any additional antennas.

While the high speed of HF RFID Tags is important, it is also crucial to ensure that the sensitivity level of your readers is at its highest potential in these applications. If the sensitivity of your readers is not at its peak, they will be more likely to experience a drop in performance, which can significantly impact the number of tags that are read per second.

This can make the difference between an accurate read and a missed one. This can be particularly critical in applications where there are a lot of objects that need to be tagged, such as in a warehouse or at a shipping dock.

Wide Range

HF RFID Tags are used for a wide range of tracking applications. They can be attached to tools, equipment, inventory, assets and people. They are also commonly used in RTLS systems.

Unlike UHF RFID Tags, HF tags have anti-collision capabilities that allow them to be read by multiple readers at one time. They are also passive and do not require a power source.

These tags are used for a variety of purposes including ticketing, payments, and tracking library books. They can even be used for patient flow tracking in hospitals.

The RFID tag uses inductive coupling to transfer energy from the reader to the tag via a magnetic field. This transfer of energy occurs at a frequency called the resonant frequency. The resonant frequency of an RFID tag depends on the type and size of its antenna and the amount of energy it transfers.

Inductive coupling is a powerful technology that allows tags to communicate with interrogators without the need for a battery or transmitter. HF RFID tags are available in many different shapes and sizes to suit numerous specific purposes.

These tags can be used in a wide range of industries and are ideal for tracking a variety of items, including vehicles, tools, equipment, and metal containers. They can be easily inserted into these objects, making them easy to track and manage.

Aside from being able to be embedded into virtually any object, these tags also have the ability to be read remotely. They can be read from a distance and can be positioned in any orientation, which makes them ideal for tracking objects from a variety of angles.

They are especially effective in a medical environment where it is important to keep track of medical supplies, tools and equipment. They can be affixed to gurneys, sewn into blankets, or incorporated into other products.

UHF RFID is another popular tag that can be used in a variety of applications. It operates in the 860-956 MHz range and is much cheaper than HF RFID tags. Moreover, UHF RFID has several advantages over HF RFID, such as its longer ranges and faster data transfer rates. It also is more resistant to interference from metallic and liquid materials, which makes it ideal for tracking animals, chemicals, and other sensitive objects.


HF RFID Tags can be manufactured using a wide variety of techniques and materials. They are typically large (on the order of mm or cm), inexpensive to mass produce, and flexible so that they can be integrated onto a variety of common objects. This allows them to be used in a wide range of applications, including asset tracking and management, industrial tool tracking, medical device tracking, and brand protection.

In addition, HF RFID tags are a good choice for monitoring blood samples in clinics because they can operate in the presence of blood, which has high dielectric permittivity and loss. By considering these properties when designing a new RFID tag, it is possible to maximize its performance.

A tag antenna designed for this application is fabricated by using a DuPontTM Kapton polyimide film, which is an excellent material for such a task due to its flexibility. It can easily be bent around HF RFID Tag the small blood tubes, which are used in clinical facilities.

The IC chip used in this design is a NXP UCODE G2XL chip (figure 6). It has a low input impedance, and its resonant frequency can be shifted up to 867 MHz by attaching it to a tube full of blood or down to 1.2 GHz when attached to an empty tube. The return loss at the resonant frequency is 11.5 dB for the case of a tube full of blood, and 9.8 dB for an empty tube.

This design has good matching in the desired frequency band, resulting in reading ranges up to 2.2 m, which is more than 4.4 times higher than typical commercial RFID tags. It also shows good radiation patterns in both the E-plane and the H-plane at fc = 867 MHz, with linear polarization.

A comparison of the design shown in this work to antennas reported in literature indicates that it has a smaller D/(lambda) than the ones in the literature, which makes it more suitable for integration on small packages. It also has a high gain that can be adjusted by changing the gap g, which influences both the real and imaginary parts of the input impedance at fc.